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6 min read
Spring foraging in Upstate New York
Back for round 2! In February, Uri and I had attended a Winter Foraging workshop, and we loved it so much that we immediately signed up...

7 min read
Penguins, Puffins, and the Science of Seabird Scat
Dr. Gemma Clucas travels to the most remote places on Earth to study the health of seabirds and the ocean via an unexpected medium: poop!

9 min read
A Conversation with Snow Scientist, Megan Guinn
An interview with Megan Guinn, snow scientist who researches glaciers, snow melt, and avalanches and how they are affected by climate change

8 min read
Winter foraging in Upstate New York
An overview of what we learned during our winter foraging workshop in New York

3 min read
Nature journaling
My experience with nature journaling has, so far, been minimal. I dove into it more heavily in 2023 during my Forest Ecology class where...

5 min read
A celebration of insects: Insectapalooza!
If you pause to think about it, what was your last encounter with an insect or other arthropod? Did you walk past a bee that was...

5 min read
A walk in the virtual woods: exploring the benefit of forests that aren't real
A soft, hazy beam of sunlight funneled through the tree branches, forming speckles of sunspots on the forest floor where the waiting...

6 min read
A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam: our home
Earth is very tiny. As Carl Sagan eloquently described, it is but "a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam". While we may be an...

2 min read
On showing your community a little TLC
I wouldn't say we live on a beautiful street. It's pretty active with morning traffic, some of the houses are getting redone, there are...

5 min read
Human alterations to the carbon cycle: what does it mean for the future?
Being a grad student at an environmental school, I have a lot more exposure to climate change-related classes, and since my work focuses...

6 min read
30 days of going plastic-free: successes and challenges
I was pretty nervous about Plastic-Free July (PFJ). So many products in our lives contained plastic, and it was going to take a lot of...

4 min read
The impact of social media on the outdoors
Like all social media, Instagram displays photos and videos of people living their best life, traveling the world, succeeding, and simply...

12 min read
The pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
GMOs are short for genetically modified organisms because some aspect of the product's genome has been modified. To clarify, a...

4 min read
Tourists vs wildlife: it's not worth the picture
Summer is a great time to go outside, travel, and explore our wonderful public lands and National Parks. However, without fail, every...

5 min read
How plastic is harming you and the environment + your guide to Plastic-Free July
You might not have ever considered that having a plastic-free lifestyle was a real thing or something even worth doing. Plastic is...
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